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Ayang-ni Distances

Ayang-ni is located in Haeju city, North Korea at the 38.2431, 125.78 coordinates. Distance from Ayang-ni to other cities. are listed below, click on the city name to find distance between. Distance from Ayang-ni to Kaesong 74 km, to Ongjin 50 km, to Chaeryong-up 23 km. The green marker indicates the location of Ayang-ni.

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Distance Between Ayang-ni and Cities

List of distances from Ayang-ni to North Korea cities.

CityDistance to Ayang-ni
Ayang-ni to Kaesong74 km
Ayang-ni to Ongjin50 km
Ayang-ni to Chaeryong-up23 km
Ayang-ni to Changyon60 km
Ayang-ni to Yonan-up50 km
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