Cardenas Distances
Cardenas is located in Villahermosa city, Mexico at the 18.0014, -93.3756 coordinates. Distance from Cardenas to other cities. are listed below, click on the city name to find distance between. Distance from Cárdenas to Comalcalco 33 km, to Tenosique de Pino Suarez 215 km, to Macuspana 87 km. The green marker indicates the location of Cárdenas.
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Distance Between Cardenas and Cities
List of distances from Cárdenas to Mexico cities.
City | Distance to Cardenas |
Cardenas to Comalcalco | 33 km |
Cardenas to Tenosique de Pino Suarez | 215 km |
Cardenas to Macuspana | 87 km |
Cardenas to Huimanguillo | 19 km |
Rio de Teapa to Cardenas | 56 km |
Cardenas to Teapa | 67 km |
Cardenas to Paraiso | 48 km |
Cardenas to Frontera | 98 km |
Cardenas to Cunduacan | 23 km |
Cardenas to Jalpa de Mendez | 38 km |
Distance from Cardenas to Foreign Cities
Choose a city to calculate distance from Cardenas to major cities in the world.
- Cardenas to Bogota
- Cardenas to Cali
- Cardenas to Havana
- Houston to Cardenas
- Cardenas to Medellin
- Cardenas to Barranquilla
- San Antonio to Cardenas
- Dallas to Cardenas
- Cardenas to Guatemala City
- Managua to Cardenas
- Cardenas to Cartagena
- Cardenas to Kingston
- Cardenas to Tegucigalpa
- Jacksonville to Cardenas
- Austin to Cardenas
- Fort Worth to Cardenas
- El Paso to Cardenas
- Cardenas to New Kingston
- Cardenas to Santiago de Cuba
- San Salvador to Cardenas
- Tucson to Cardenas