Distance Calculator

Gavle Distances

Gavle city is located in Sweden at the 60.6745, 17.1417 coordinates. Distance from Gavle to cities are listed below, also there are 1 sub cities within Gävle, click on the city name to find distance between. Distance from Gävle to Stockholm 158 km, to Goeteborg 442 km, to Malmoe 613 km. The green marker indicates the location of Gävle.

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Distance Between Gavle and Cities

List of distances from Gävle to Sweden cities.

CityDistance to Gavle
Gavle to Stockholm158 km
Gavle to Goeteborg442 km
Gavle to Malmoe613 km
Gavle to Uppsala95 km
Gavle to Vasteras122 km
Gavle to Orebro189 km
Gavle to Linkoping266 km
Gavle to Jonkoping364 km
Gavle to Umea386 km
Gavle to Vaexjoe443 km
Gavle to Karlstad248 km
Gavle to Halmstad509 km
Gavle to Lulea601 km
Gavle to Ostersund308 km
Falun to Gavle83 km
Gavle to Kalmar448 km
Gavle to Karlskrona510 km
Gavle to Nykoping214 km
Gavle to Visby344 km
Gavle to Haernoesand222 km
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