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Swiecie Distances

Swiecie is located in Bydgoszcz city, Poland at the 53.4095, 18.4474 coordinates. Distance from Swiecie to other cities. are listed below, click on the city name to find distance between. Distance from Świecie to Torun 45 km, to Wloclawek 94 km, to Grudziadz 22 km. The green marker indicates the location of Świecie.

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Distance Between Swiecie and Cities

List of distances from Świecie to Poland cities.

CityDistance to Swiecie
Swiecie to Torun45 km
Swiecie to Wloclawek94 km
Grudziadz to Swiecie22 km
Inowroclaw to Swiecie69 km
Fordon to Swiecie34 km
Brodnica to Swiecie65 km
Chelmno to Swiecie7 km
Naklo nad Notecia to Swiecie64 km
Rypin to Swiecie75 km
Chelmza to Swiecie27 km
Solec Kujawski to Swiecie39 km
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