Zana Distances
Zana is located in Chiclayo city, Peru at the -6.9232, -79.5838 coordinates. Distance from Zana to other cities. are listed below, click on the city name to find distance between. Distance from Zaña to Lambayeque 43 km, to Picsi 31 km, to Ferrenafe 39 km. The green marker indicates the location of Zaña.
Distance Between Zana and Cities
List of distances from Zaña to Peru cities.
City | Distance to Zana |
Lambayeque to Zana | 43 km |
Picsi to Zana | 31 km |
Ferrenafe to Zana | 39 km |
Monsefu to Zana | 32 km |
Chongoyape to Zana | 38 km |
Pimentel to Zana | 40 km |
Distance from Zana to Foreign Cities
Choose a city to calculate distance from Zana to major cities in the world.
- Zana to Bogota
- Zana to Cali
- Zana to Medellin
- Zana to Guayaquil
- Zana to Manaus
- Zana to Quito
- Zana to Santa Cruz de la Sierra
- Zana to Cochabamba
- Zana to La Paz
- Zana to Cucuta
- Zana to Bucaramanga
- Zana to Pereira
- Zana to Ibague
- Zana to Bello
- Zana to Pasto
- Zana to Manizales
- Zana to Neiva
- Zana to Villavicencio
- Zana to Armenia
- Zana to Soacha
- Zana to Porto Velho