Distance Calculator

Distance Between Indonesia Cities

Distance from Indonesia to major cities are listed below, or choose from the list to calculate distance. 32 major city distances are calculated in Indonesia country. The GPS coordinates of Indonesia is 0° 47´ 21.3900'' S and 113° 55´ 16.7736'' E. Some of the leading cities of Indonesia are Jakarta, Surabaya, Medan.

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Distances of Indonesia Cities

List of Indonesia cities with distance in kilometers.
Visit city distance page to calculate distance to all cities.

Jakarta to Surabaya662 km
Medan to Bandung1532 km
Palembang to Makassar1646 km
Semarang to Padang1303 km
Bandarlampung to Pekanbaru786 km
Yogyakarta to Banjarmasin682 km
Pontianak to Manado1734 km
Jambi City to Denpasar1504 km
Ambon to Samarinda1277 km
Mataram to Bengkulu1620 km
Palu to Kupang1111 km
Banda Aceh to Kendari3200 km
Tanjungpinang to Serang804 km
Palangkaraya to Gorontalo1062 km
Jayapura to Pangkalpinang3845 km
Manokwari to Sofifi748 km

The Nearest Neighboring Countries to Indonesia

Distance from Indonesia to the nearest countries.
The distance between Indonesia and the nearest country Brunei is 599 km.

CountryDistance to Indonesia
Brunei599 km

Click on the city name to list the sub cities within the major city, and calculate the distance between cities.