Distance Calculator

Distance Between Iran Cities

Distance from Iran to major cities are listed below, or choose from the list to calculate distance. 31 major city distances are calculated in Iran country. The GPS coordinates of Iran is 32° 25´ 40.4760'' N and 53° 41´ 16.9656'' E. Some of the leading cities of Iran are Tehran, Mashhad, Isfahan.

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Distances of Iran Cities

List of Iran cities with distance in kilometers.
Visit city distance page to calculate distance to all cities.

Tehran to Mashhad736 km
Isfahan to Karaj359 km
Tabriz to Shiraz1103 km
Qom to Ahvaz422 km
Kermanshah to Rasht400 km
Kerman to Orumiyeh1369 km
Zahedan to Hamadan1302 km
Arak to Yazd500 km
Ardabil to Zanjan176 km
Bandar 'Abbas to Sanandaj1262 km
Qazvin to Khorramabad344 km
Sari to Gorgan127 km
Birjand to Bojnurd540 km
Bandar-e Bushehr to Ilam667 km
Shahrekord to Semnan430 km

The Nearest Neighboring Countries to Iran

Distance from Iran to the nearest countries.
The distance between Iran and the nearest country Kuwait is 686 km.

CountryDistance to Iran
Kuwait686 km
Bahrain770 km
Qatar823 km
Turkmenistan899 km
Iraq939 km

Click on the city name to list the sub cities within the major city, and calculate the distance between cities.