Distance Between Italy Cities
Distance from Italy to major cities are listed below, or choose from the list to calculate distance. 20 major city distances are calculated in Italy country. The GPS coordinates of Italy is 41° 52´ 18.9876'' N and 12° 34´ 2.5680'' E. Some of the leading cities of Italy are Rome, Milano, Napoli.
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Distances of Italy Cities
List of Italy cities with distance in kilometers.
Visit city distance page to calculate distance to all cities.
City | Distance |
Rome to Milano | 479 km |
Napoli to Turin | 710 km |
Palermo to Genoa | 791 km |
Bologna to Florence | 80 km |
Bari to Trieste | 561 km |
Cagliari to Perugia | 511 km |
Ancona to Trento | 333 km |
Catanzaro to Potenza | 207 km |
Venice to Campobasso | 470 km |
L'Aquila to Aosta | 615 km |
The Nearest Neighboring Countries to Italy
Distance from Italy to the nearest countries.
The distance between Italy and the nearest country Vatican is 10 km.
Country | Distance to Italy |
Vatican | 10 km |
San Marino | 230 km |
Croatia | 417 km |
Monaco | 468 km |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | 474 km |
Slovenia | 514 km |
Montenegro | 567 km |
Liechtenstein | 635 km |
Albania | 638 km |
Click on the city name to list the sub cities within the major city, and calculate the distance between cities.