Distance Calculator

Distance Between Jamaica Cities

Distance from Jamaica to major cities are listed below, or choose from the list to calculate distance. 7 major city distances are calculated in Jamaica country. The GPS coordinates of Jamaica is 18° 6´ 34.4916'' N and 77° 17´ 51.0288'' W. Some of the leading cities of Jamaica are Kingston, Spanish Town, Montego Bay.

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Distances of Jamaica Cities

List of Jamaica cities with distance in kilometers.
Visit city distance page to calculate distance to all cities.

Kingston to Spanish Town17 km
Montego Bay to Mandeville65 km
May Pen to Half Way Tree47 km

The Nearest Neighboring Countries to Jamaica

Distance from Jamaica to the nearest countries.
The distance between Jamaica and the nearest country Cuba is 383 km.

CountryDistance to Jamaica
Cuba383 km
Cayman Islands438 km
Haiti537 km
Turks and Caicos Islands700 km
Dominican Republic756 km
Bahamas770 km

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