Distance Between Madagascar Cities
Distance from Madagascar to major cities are listed below, or choose from the list to calculate distance. 21 major city distances are calculated in Madagascar country. The GPS coordinates of Madagascar is 18° 46´ 1.0092'' S and 46° 52´ 8.7816'' E. Some of the leading cities of Madagascar are Antananarivo, Toamasina, Antsirabe.
Distances of Madagascar Cities
List of Madagascar cities with distance in kilometers.
Visit city distance page to calculate distance to all cities.
City | Distance |
Antananarivo to Toamasina | 214 km |
Antsirabe to Fianarantsoa | 177 km |
Mahajanga to Toliara | 893 km |
Antsiranana to Ambovombe | 1473 km |
Fort Dauphin to Ambatondrazaka | 814 km |
Morondava to Manakara | 435 km |
Sambava to Ambositra | 762 km |
Tsiroanomandidy to Farafangana | 487 km |
Maevatanana to Antsohihy | 261 km |
Fenoarivo Atsinanana to Ihosy | 655 km |
Maintirano |
Click on the city name to list the sub cities within the major city, and calculate the distance between cities.