Distance Between Turkey Cities
Distance from Turkey to major cities are listed below, or choose from the list to calculate distance. 81 major city distances are calculated in Turkey country. The GPS coordinates of Turkey is 38° 57´ 49.4820'' N and 35° 14´ 35.9520'' E. Some of the leading cities of Turkey are Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir.

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Distances of Turkey Cities
List of Turkey cities with distance in kilometers.
Visit city distance page to calculate distance to all cities.
City | Distance |
Istanbul to Ankara | 352 km |
Izmir to Bursa | 259 km |
Adana to Gaziantep | 182 km |
Konya to Antalya | 191 km |
Diyarbakir to Kayseri | 423 km |
Mercin to Eskisehir | 488 km |
Sanliurfa to Malatya | 138 km |
Erzurum to Samsun | 445 km |
Batman to Kahramanmaras | 371 km |
Van to Denizli | 1252 km |
Elazig to Adapazari | 789 km |
Sivas to Trabzon | 269 km |
Manisa to Balikesir | 122 km |
Adiyaman to Kirikkale | 474 km |
Antakya to Osmaniye | 97 km |
Izmit to Kutahya | 149 km |
Corum to Isparta | 490 km |
Aydin to Usak | 165 km |
Aksaray to Afyonkarahisar | 306 km |
Tokat to Edirne | 852 km |
Tekirdag to Karaman | 648 km |
Ordu to Siirt | 486 km |
Erzincan to Zonguldak | 677 km |
Giresun to Karabuk | 484 km |
Bolu to Kirsehir | 281 km |
Rize to Agri | 259 km |
Nigde to Yozgat | 206 km |
Canakkale to Amasya | 800 km |
Mus to Kilis | 447 km |
Bingol to Hakkari | 319 km |
Kars to Igdir | 110 km |
Nevsehir to Khanjarah | 239 km |
Mardin to Yalova | 1057 km |
Kastamonu to Burdur | 505 km |
Kirklareli to Duzce | 344 km |
Sirnak to Mugla | 1244 km |
Bitlis to Bilecik | 1061 km |
Bartin to Sinop | 238 km |
Gumushkhane to Bayburt | 67 km |
Tunceli to Artvin | 301 km |
Ardahan |
The Nearest Neighboring Countries to Turkey
Distance from Turkey to the nearest countries.
The distance between Turkey and the nearest country Cyprus is 456 km.
Country | Distance to Turkey |
Cyprus | 456 km |
Syria | 570 km |
Lebanon | 571 km |
Georgia | 779 km |
Palestinian Territory | 780 km |
Armenia | 849 km |
Israel | 881 km |
Bulgaria | 921 km |
Jordan | 936 km |
Click on the city name to list the sub cities within the major city, and calculate the distance between cities.